The contact details of all the 2k5 mexx has got some paper friendly , printable and readable version!!!
Our address book is ready.
You can avail it from Datamatics.
The cost of the address book is Rs 30/-
It contains everyone's color photo, address and phone number.
those who are intersted can buy it.
Any ways the original copy, ie the digital version is also available in excel sheet form.
Those who want the soft copy can download it from here..
If there is any changes in the address or in any other details , please feel free to share it.
Our address book is ready.
You can avail it from Datamatics.
The cost of the address book is Rs 30/-
It contains everyone's color photo, address and phone number.
those who are intersted can buy it.
Any ways the original copy, ie the digital version is also available in excel sheet form.
Those who want the soft copy can download it from here..
If there is any changes in the address or in any other details , please feel free to share it.